
Even in Hawaii, we have small and flat days when paddling out is more of a chore than it should be. On the North Shore, the swell drops significantly during the summer, and many surfers (even the pros) who are used to the pumping winter waves choose to pursue other vocations. For those long stretches...
There seem to be two types of surfers, surfers who hate soft boards and surfers who love softboards. If you’ve been paying attention to the JOB Surf Experience site or Jamie’s YouTube channel, you know we occupy the latter category. Soft boards haven’t always been accepted in lineups, but now they’re popping up everywhere. Beyond surf...
  Summer is just around the corner, which means the southern hemisphere’s swell season is near. Many surfers spend the summer months chasing swells in Latin America, Tahiti, Indonesia, and other far-flung southern hemisphere hot spots. During the summer, the North Shore is relatively calm. There’s still some surf, but nothing like during the winter....
There’s nothing like spring on the Iberian Peninsula. Temperatures start to rise, and large north swells leftover from winter continue to send mighty surf across the North Atlantic towards European shores. While the water may still be palmy, the air is relatively warm, and the days are pleasant. The Tour’s first stop on its European...
    If you’ve ever experimented with alternative shapes and fin setups, you know how drastically different one fin set up can ride verse another, even in the same board. For decades, surfers only rode single fins. The single fin itself went through several iterations before its modern variations. The first surfboards were finless and...
  As we’ve discussed at length, there are many types of surfboards surfers use in different conditions. In small waves, surfers choose to ride longboards or high-volume shortboards/ fishes. The extra volume in both designs gives surfers added float and paddle power to get into weaker surf. In steep, more powerful waves, surfers ride high-performance shortboards that...
As we mentioned in Our Oahu Surf School’s Guide to Winter on the North Shore, this year’s Van’s Triple Crown of Surfing was once again held digitally. In the past, the Van’s Triple Crown of Surfing was awarded to the surfer who performed the best across the CT events at Haleiwa, Sunset, and Pipeline. This year,...
Navigating the lineup on bigger days can be tricky, even for experienced surfers. When the surf is a bit more powerful than you’re used to, paddling out becomes exponentially more difficult if you don’t know how to turtle roll or duck dive. For those who don’t know, turtle rolling and duck diving are ways surfers...
  As we’ve said before, surfing is approximately 90% paddling. So, it’s no coincidence that the best surfers in the world are also the most efficient paddlers. To navigate a lineup, you need to be able to read waves and understand surf etiquette, but ultimately, it’s your paddling ability that will determine the type of session you have....
On the North Shore of Oahu, the ocean is an integral part of our daily lives. Not only is the ocean our playground, but it’s also a source of sustenance for many. Fishing is a huge part of living in Hawaii. We fish when it’s flat. We fish with our friends. We fish to feed...
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